Hearing Aid –
First, an appointment is made with an ear, nose and throat doctor. He does a hearing test with the patient and measures the degree of hearing loss in both ears and, if necessary, prescribes a hearing aid, i.e. a prescription. Most people want a hearing aid for each ear.
The next step is to ask the patient’s health insurance company which hearing aid acousticians contract with them near their place of residence, so that they can count on an additional payment from the health insurance company.
Then make an appointment with a hearing care professional to take further steps to find the right hearing aid.
The prescription for hearing aids should not be missing for the appointment with the hearing aid acoustician. At the appointment, the experienced hearing aid acoustician tests the hearing loss again. The patient’s wishes and habits are also discussed. Advice on suitable hearing aid models then explains the advantages and disadvantages of the respective models.
In the next step, suitable hearing aids are adapted to the customer’s hearing ability and worn so that the wearer can test them in everyday life. For even more wearing comfort, the acoustician in the branch can make fine adjustments at any time.
Now it’s time to decide on a hearing aid model.
Eventually the payment is due. The customer bears the prescription fee or the additional payment if the health insurance company does not fully cover the costs for the selected device. Finally, the hearing aid acoustician advises on the care and maintenance of the hearing aids.
How Do I Find The Correct Hearing Aid? 
First of all, you should know that all hearing aids now work with digital technology. In this way, noises, speech or background noises are registered, analyzed and regulated at lightning speed. So what kind of hearing aids are there? In order to find the model that is right for you, you should familiarize yourself with the following types of hearing aids
The Second Step: Pre-Selection Of The Hearing Aids
In order to attain the best possible hearing success, a number of technical requirements must be observed in addition to health. Based on all this information, the hearing care professional makes a pre-selection of suitable models. He adjusts these according to the audiometric results obtained so that they can be tested and compared with each other by the future hearing aid wearer.
The Third Step: Audition And Compare
A great help when choosing the most suitable hearing aids is the so-called “comparison fitting”. Behind this term is the comparison of the transmission behavior of different hearing aids with the most modern measuring and adjustment systems. The procurement of the auditory canal and other anatomical conditions are taken into account as well as the personal impressions of the hearing aid wearer in terms of sound and wearing comfort. As part of the comparative adjustment, the hearing aid acoustician will always present you with a treatment option that does not require co-payments and explain the options for the health insurance company to cover the costs. Trying out and comparing hearing aids in different everyday situations makes a significant contribution to subsequent fitting success.
Buying A Hearing Aid: What Should I Watch Out For?
When buying a hearing aid, you should be aware that new hearing aids may only be sold by a hearing care professional. The customer should be offered at least 2-3 devices to try out so that they can test the wearing comfort of the hearing aids before buying. In addition, they should be optimally adapted to the hearing of the customer. If you want to buy used hearing aids, you should know that they cannot be individually adjusted and that there are no services. In order to be able to buy hearing aids online, one is dependent on suppliers abroad, since in Germany only [hearing aid] acousticians and ear, nose and throat doctors are allowed to sell the medical products.
Ultimately, it is best to buy hearing aids from a hearing care professional. With a [hearing] care professional, the customer has the opportunity to find out about different [hearing aid] models and to be able to test at least two of these models free of charge in everyday life. The [hearing] care professional optimally adjusts the [hearing aid] to the patient’s hearing ability so that it is comfortable to wear. The purchase of hearing aids also includes services from which the buyer benefits.